Cheri Speak

Is this mic on?



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Although not everyone agrees there is something wrong with the United States Government spying on average Americans, it would appear, the majority does.


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Why YOU Should Care


Today is the day we fight back and say #STOPTHENSA!

Add a banner or badge to your site and social media pages here.


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Contact your Representatives Here

What are these “Acts”?


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As an American citizen, we have specific rights to privacy. If you don’t care about yours being invaded enough to do something than you are taking away my right to my privacy too.

It takes a majority to speak-out to make things happen. There are few like Gandhi or Mother Teresa in this world and it will only get worse if we wait for one to come along.

Join Me and Contact YOUR Representatives Here

7 comments on “#STOPTHENSA

  1. charlypriest
    February 12, 2014

    They can spy on me all they want, I´m broke, don´t have anything too important to hide, and if they pick up a terrorist while at it or foil a plot then drone their ass.


    • Cheri
      February 12, 2014

      What a disgusting and incredibly ignorant attitude to have towards something so important.


      • charlypriest
        February 12, 2014

        I know, I´m just a disgusting person.

        I like how you people tend to insult others when they disagree with you instead of giving me a good argument or just say “Sorry but I think you´re wrong on that one, lets just leave it that we agree to disagree.” It´s a bit more classy.

        You should check out my blog to see what a disgusting terrible person I am. I even disgust myself. I´ll try to change myself for another person I´ll probably be more happy.

        Love ya read ya.


      • Cheri
        February 12, 2014

        I’m sorry, but your original comment wasn’t exactly, “classy”, nor did it give a good argument. And, I didn’t say YOU were disgusting, just what you said. Don’t put words in my mouth. Maybe, according to your post here, you should practice what you preach or check your tone when you comment if you wish to receive a better reaction.


    • anewwe
      February 21, 2014

      Charlypriest, what you don’t understand is that the NSA has never stopped a terrorist plot. They spy on everyone, and yet they don’t stop American citizens who abuse their wife, child, or whomever.

      Imagine a world where most things are illegal and police have the right to barge into your house because of an unpaid parking ticket.

      Do you own a gun? If you do, then, by NSA standards, you are a “potential terrorist.” This is also true for any and all activists (including Tea-Party Supporters). We are all ‘potential terrorists.’

      So, pray that you don’t live next to anyone who the government might want to drone.


  2. TB
    February 19, 2014

    Counter terrorism is one thing but things have gone too far, not just with the NSA but also here in the UK with our version known as GCHQ


  3. anewwe
    February 21, 2014

    Thank you Cheri for fighting the goodfight! Glad to see you still have the banner active.

    I have to admit, this was the first time I ever called my legislators. It felt good to use my voice for a difference. It’s so important that we flex these rights, before they take those away too! And they will if we let them.


Now it's my turn to listen...


This entry was posted on February 11, 2014 by in Abuse of Power, Action Alert, Activism, Civil Rights.