Cheri Speak

Is this mic on?

The First Time I Participated in the WordPress Daily Prompt

My hands were shaking. I was terrified to throw myself into the fray. I have no idea why? I rarely get intimidated, but something about participating in this daily ritual set me on edge.

Who were these people, these virtual strangers I was about to allow judge me?

I had been here nearly a year. My little blog was trucking along and although I had often read other bloggers’ “Daily Prompt” posts, I myself had never participated.

Until March 24, 2013 and then, for some reason, the prompt of the day spoke to me. It seemed fun, it seemed easy. I was ready to pop my own blogging cherry and give it a whirl.

I could do this!

And I did…

What activity, task, or game most brings out your competitive streak?


I Win, I Win, I Win!!!


Since then, I have participated in at least one “Daily Prompt” a week. I have found the prompts to run the gambit between silly and serious and everything in between. They are great for introducing yourself and your blog to the WordPress community, meeting other bloggers, discovering other bloggers, increasing your own sites traffic and even for the occasional bouts of writer’s block.

If YOU haven’t participated yet, give it a try! You’ll be glad you did. If the DP is part of your blogging routine…which was the first “prompt” you participated in?

3 comments on “The First Time I Participated in the WordPress Daily Prompt

  1. Mr. Atheist
    October 31, 2013



  2. Pingback: of violence | Anawnimiss

  3. Pingback: Daily Post…First | Life as a country bumpkin...not a city girl

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