Cheri Speak

Is this mic on?

Michael C. Ruppert Suicide Note Released


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Yesterday I published a piece about the Sunday, April 13, suicide of radio show host, whistle-blower, activist, author and American hero, Michael C. Ruppert. Today I would like to update the readers with some new information I have just received from Michael’s attorney Wesley Miller.

According to Miller, the reason Michael’s death was confirmed by “Napa County Sheriffs” is because Michael was staying in a trailer on his friend, Jack Martin’s, property in Calistoga, California. It was Jack who found Mike’s body resting in an outdoor meditation spot on the property.

Michael Ruppert left two handwritten notes, one of which was a very personal note to his girlfriend/life partner and is a personal letter that will not be shared, at least not any time in the near future. Miller stresses the letter,

“…contained clear statements confessing his impending suicide.”

The second note was written to Jack Martin, the friend with which Michael was staying at the time of his death and here for you to see…


Provided by Wesley Miller, Michael Ruppert’s attorney

As mentioned, both of these are handwritten notes — although there has been no official handwriting analysis performed, Miller and other friends assure me the writing is undeniably that of Michael.

In addition, Miller told me Michael recently made a will on March 4 of this year. Miller says,

Portions of that may get published, but it will require some redacting of personal contacts and bank account info.”

Miller stresses the importance of everyone knowing and understand,

There is absolutely no ambiguity about it – Mike shot himself.” 

You can read today’s statements from Wesley Miller in his update at this link where you will understand more about Michael’s struggle with living.

As I receive more information, I will share here on Cheri Speak. I encourage you to share this information because there seems to be a media black-out on this story and the minute information that has made press has lacked any details as those I have been providing.





For more info/background on the death of Michael C. Ruppert…

From the Wilderness Forward, What Really Happened to Michael C. Ruppert

“He carried, as it were, the burden of the world on his shoulders. He was almost a Christ-like figure in that sense.” ~ Barry Zwicker – Author, Activist and Media …Continue reading 

Crossing Over the Rubicon: R.I.P. Michael C. Ruppert

Sunday, April 13, after finishing what would be his last, The Lifeboat Hour, radio show, whistle-blower, activist, author, American hero, Michael C. Ruppert, allegedly shot himself, taking his own life. Getting the … READ MORE

Michael C. Ruppert Left Four Notes and a Poem

On Wednesday I reported that Michael C. Ruppert left two “suicide” notes behind – one that was addressed to “Jack” which I published here, and another addressed to Mike’s partner “Jessy Re”. This information … READ MORE

Wise Woman Media Discusses Michael C. Ruppert’s Life and Legacy

Let’s Talk Tonight! For those following along wanting more information or simply heartfelt commiseration, I will be joining Carolyn Baker on  Wise Woman Media with Anita Stewart… READ MORE

Michael C. Ruppert’s Death and “Rags” the Dog

As I mentioned, there were a total of four “notes” and a poem strategically left behind by Michael C. Rupport. One of those notes, involves Mike’s best pal, his dog “Rags”. At … READ MORE

Michael C. Ruppert Said “YOU Don’t Read”

The piece that most of you are waiting for is already being written. This article will include the details and a time-line of Mike’s last day along with more pieces … READ MORE
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163 comments on “Michael C. Ruppert Suicide Note Released

  1. Pingback: Crossing Over the Rubicon: R.I.P. Michael C. Ruppert | Cheri Speak

  2. Bio Tribe
    April 16, 2014

    yes. there has been a curious news block. maybe they are afraid of the power of love for this man, and what it could do?


    • Cheri
      April 16, 2014

      Maybe so, but I am not afraid. This man taught me much. he deserves better coverage than what he has received. Thank you for reading.


      • Illyia Z
        April 17, 2014

        Thu, 04/17/2014 – 21:38 | 4671693 new illyia

        So, “they” won… Either way. If he killed himself out of complete desperation or was “suicided” as old Mr. Story used to say, before he was not “suicided”…

        Ruthless is being kind.

        Michael C. Ruppert Suicide Note Released

        Pass it on.


      • Cheri
        April 17, 2014

        In a sense, yes…but, who knows…Maybe MIKE won in the end…right? We’ll never know that answer. Thank you for sharing my story.


      • Isis Eye (EyeoIsis)
        April 19, 2014

        I CAN’T BELEIVE HE’S GONE! His warrior spirit encouraged me to open my eyes to what is happening in the world today and how precarious our existence is. The fact that I am just now hearing about his death speaks to the media blackout that surrounds this wonderful man. I am crying so hard I can barely type. His life was not in vain. He was a beacon of light and hope in a very dark time. Rest my friend we will pick up your mantle.

        Liked by 2 people

      • Cheri
        April 19, 2014

        Isis I am sorry that the regular media didn’t cover this story. I wrote the first piece because I could find nothing. Then the next thing I new, because I had done that and made contact…I had everything. The story is going viral. I am a 20+ yr media veteran so I have been using all the tricks up my sleeve to make and keep it viral as much as possible. If we do not share the REAL facts, Michael’s truth, then we will be doing him, his work and the legacy a HUGE disservice. Thank you. HUGS

        Liked by 1 person

      • Star Messenger
        January 23, 2018

        I’m new here to this site but not new to the news of Michael’s death.

        I first heard of Michael’s suicide when Abby Martin made the announcement on her program on RT. It was very hard for Abby to make the announcement and barely finished making it chocking up as she read.

        When Abby announced Michael’s passing I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Immediately I thought Michael was “suicided”. But subsequent information released showed that Michael had indeed killed himself.

        Michael pursued a dangerous path in life, and in the end, it consumed him. The “powers that be” have a way of defeating our heroes. They want to reign supreme and will do ANYTHING to maintain that power and control. Every time we think we have them “on the run” they make a “detour” an “end run” around the “difficulty” that the opposition presents. It’s like playing a game of “Wack-A-Mole”. As soon as they are beaten back down into the “hole” from which they came, they “pop up” somewhere else in a slightly different manifestation. Different but the same.

        Even with the election of President Trump, there seems to be a glimmer of hope for “the people”. But I must warn everyone to not get your hopes too high because Trump is now part of “the machine” that runs things, the world. As high minded as Trump may have sounded while campaigning, Trump quickly discovered that things aren’t that simple when as Trump put it, “you are sitting behind the desk” (in the Oval Office).

        Our heroes may come and go. But as much as they may seem to be changing things, they really aren’t changing much of anything. The end of the Cold War should have proved that. It’s just that another set of villains emerges.

        Michael was too idealistic, too much of a “dreamer”, a “believer” who could/would make a lasting difference. But alas, Michael’s dreams died with him. He found out too late that “the bad guys always win”. But cheers anyway, Pilgrims.


      • Une RS Phoque
        January 25, 2018

        it is FRIGHTENING that you think that ANYTHING herr cheeto/cadet bone spurs had anything enlightening or uplifting platformwise or otherwise to give to anyone.

        a self confessed RAPIST and self confessed child sexual predator… for starters..

        clearly you had NO CLUE who Mike was if you think ANYTHING Mike said or did would EVER have been in line with herr cheeto/hitler jr.

        to be frank, you sicken me.


  3. kaylyazukofsky
    April 16, 2014

    What is wrong with you????? You are publishing a letter that was never meant to be viewed publicly. And now that it has, it makes me sick. This man is not a “hero”. This man is SELFISH and/or MENTALLY ILL. Suicide is the most selfish act anyone can perform – EVER. “I do this for the children?” PUH-LEASE. I’m sick to my stomach. Shame on you – such irresponsibility on your part. What’s next? A video posting of a state sanctioned execution? You did this man no favors and you have not honored someone you admire – you’ve trashed him. Good job.


    • Cheri
      April 16, 2014

      I knew this man. The letter was provided to me by Mike’s attorney specifically to publish because of all the idiots already spreading wrongful conspiracies. If you don’t like it, that is not a problem, you do not need to read my blogs. Mike was a mentor of sorts and you are 100% wrong…I AM doing him a favor. In fact I am doing a public service considering most media has completely ignored the story and the d=few that have merely said he killed himself and was a “conspiracy theorist”. You are entitled to your opinion however, so am I and it is you that is doing no favor and shame on you. BTW, if you knew Mike, you would know what “for the children” meant 😉

      Liked by 2 people

      • Gerry Hiles
        April 16, 2014

        Shameful attack on you Cheri.


      • Mike once told me that if I ever heard that he had committed suicide that I know that it would never happen and that he was suicided. He was sophistically murdered. Don’t believe whatever else you hear.


      • Cheri
        April 16, 2014

        Yes Mike has said a lot of things, including many times how much he was done and wanted to die. He planned his death multiple times.


      • ciancurran
        April 18, 2014

        Thank you Cheri for posting that, I did not know the man but feel he would support your decision to post the note. kaylyazukofsky may have unresolved issues around suicide, or has a poor or immature understanding of it. RIP Mike Ruppert.


      • Cheri
        April 18, 2014

        Thank you. there were more notes. I have them set to go live at 7am pst. I, his attorney and his friend that found him all feel this is the right thing to do simply because it’s Mike. He would want only the truth out there, not a conspiracy about him.


    • charleskafka2013
      April 16, 2014

      im one of those conspiracy idiots.
      im thankful for this note,
      it’s saves days of research.
      wish his family and friends well.
      and we’ll all miss his presence.


    • Shary Merman
      April 17, 2014

      kaylyazukofsky who are you? Evidently you did not know Michael because you could not say what you said.


    • Kevin Jack
      April 17, 2014

      This looks like a shill attack Cheri. Don’t let is bother you in any way!!!


      • Cheri
        April 17, 2014

        Thanks Kevin and I won’t 😉 … I know in my heart what I am doing is the right thing to do. mike’s death and the reporting of such needs to be done right BECAUSE of people like that.


    • Metta Morphose
      April 18, 2014

      He never seemed mentally ill..but depressed, yes. Him saying “I do this for the children” has to do with his determination of exposing the truth for the benefit of younger generations.

      His death might not be some sophisticated murder by the govt either. I mean M. Ruppert is a human being. If you had lived under that kind of stress for as long as he did..and I’m sure many people abandoned him over would have a psychological affect on you too.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Metta Morphose
        April 18, 2014

        Sorry, I should have said “I do it for the child” possibly had to do with his exposing the truth to benefit younger generations. I didn’t know him personally, so I can’t speak on what he meant for sure.


      • Cheri
        April 18, 2014

        No, actually it is more in line with the Lakota and their belief system. Mike was very spiritual that way particularly…it has meaning specifically to ALL OF US…we are the children….


    • Richard Johnson
      April 18, 2014

      have you ever witnessed a whole world gone mad? Have you ever laid awake at night feeling the suffering of millions of people? Have you striven to do all you could to remedy the situation with all the energy you could give until your soul was stripped bare and all that was left was the pain?

      Give what you can and respect those who gave it all.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Jim Rogers
      April 19, 2014

      To “kylyanukofsky:” In your opinion, “…..suicide is the most selfish act anyone can perform.” In my opinion, you are wrong! Totally and without condition, wrong!

      Suicide, the knowing act of taking your own life, is exercising your God-given “free will.” Life, and the freedoms that flow with it, are owned by each of us, indivisible!

      We are free to share our life and our freedoms with others, but ownership remains with each of us. Our life and our freedoms are never “owned” by others, and certainly never owned by any government and/or religion. As an individual, I own my life and I own my freedoms. My rights of ownership include my right to decide when my life, and the contents therein, have reached the limits of my endurance; the limits of my despair; the limits of my expectations; the limits of my ability to love and provide for others! When my limits have been reached and I conclude that I am no longer able and willing to exist on this Earth, it is my RIGHT to end my worldly journey. The taking of my life by me is not a selfish act! Rather it is an act of ownership that I am no longer willing to continue. It is not selfish! It is my life and my decision to end it! It is my right to decide, not the right of another, or others, or government or religion. My suicide may cause grief, anger, disappointment, anguish and a host of other reactions in others. I will have weighed and considered them all ~ but if my final decision is to take my own life at a time of my choosing, it is not SELFISH, it is an implementation of my unconditional ownership of my life ~ and my right to determine its end!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Cheri
        April 19, 2014

        I can say unequivocally, that Mike believed he did this for us,”the children”. Once I finish this series on the events it will be clear to everyone. Yes he was anguished for a long time and there were a series/sequence of events that led to those last minutes (which I will detail, painfully, soon) and Mike (in his mind) LITERALLY gave himself in sacrifice “My flesh for the children”..because that was all he felt he had left to give. That is legit.


      • Charlton G Wilson
        March 26, 2016

        this is in reply to Cheri’s reply to you, actually.

        wow Cheri, your narcissism is astonishing. one of the reasons that Mike felt he had no alternative other than taking himself out was people like you.

        yep, i just said that.

        you are NOT “the children”

        how absolutely
        that you would twist his words to mean for you – is beyond reason – other than
        pure narcissism.

        it is adults like you who continue to ride his coat tails and basically do nothing. ou who did nothing while he was alive – the 10s of thousands of you – riding his coat tails, listening to his truth speaking like a drug and doing nothing. this is why he finally had to take himself out. the pressure, the weight of it all was too much. and instead of you doing something now… you continue to use his death like a drug. laughable.

        yes, i have just publicly called you out.

        your repugnant behaviour, this thread, acting like you were his best friend, acting like you were some expert on Mike, my brother, the utter audacious maliciousness of it….


      • Cheri
        March 26, 2016

        Charlton you are still as laughable as you were a couple years ago. Please do tell how I continue to use his death, or have ever used his death .. in or for, anything? And trust me, I NEVER took anything from Mike’s mouth ‘like a drug’…that would be people like you. 😉 Apparently you overdosed. BTW I have NEVER said nor alluded in any way that I was anything close to being Mike’s ‘best friend’. Instead of trying to put words in other’s mouths, you may want to pull your head out of your ass, clean the shit out of your own mouth and maybe you can recover from your cult follower life.

        Liked by 1 person

    • Jennifer Oobatz
      March 21, 2015

      And the people who guilt others to continue their own suffering so they dont have to face living without their loved one? What about those people? Are they selfish or nah?

      “Just suffer another decade or two for me, please! It’s only another twenty years! It’s the least you can do for ME! I (me) will miss you to much and it would hurt ME a great deal to know you’re gone! I know your pain is something I cannot grasp. I know your suffering tremendously and wish to end it all….but what about ME? Dont kill yourself. Think of ME ME ME! Suffer for ME!”


    • Quentin Calvert
      July 14, 2015

      Not all suicides are the result of mental illness. Sometimes they are rational decisions based on the current status of that human being. Don’t let the so called mental illness label besmirch the good work he did and was doing.


      • Cheri
        July 14, 2015

        Whether you like it or not, everything in this article about Mike, is true. You might want to ask yourself what is wrong with YOU that you would deny the man his pain even in his death.


      • Quentin Calvert
        July 14, 2015

        I wasn’t denying any pain in his life. But pain does not always add up to a diagnosed mental illness. Are you saying that he had to be mentally ill to commit suicide? People sometimes make rational choices in the face of their lives. Maybe he did, or maybe he was mentally ill, and not responsible for his choices.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Cheri
        July 14, 2015

        No, I am not saying anyone needs to be mentally ill to commit suicide. I am however saying, like it or not, Mike was mentally ill for decades.


      • kaylyazukofsky
        August 1, 2015

        He was a neighbor, he was mentally ill. He did good work. What I objected to some time ago was the publishing of the details of that suicide and the letter. I felt it was in bad taste.


      • Cheri
        August 6, 2015

        I understand. And I’d hope that you’d understand, It wasn’t a matter ofor in the interest of taste that I published it. It was a matter of idiots insisting there was a conspiracy and Jack Martin wanting it published. They were left for him on his own property and he had the right to make that choice. He chose me to do it.


    • Ryan Ingham
      July 14, 2016

      Ahh, what is wrong with you?? Suicide is what it is. I won’t do it because I know the affect it would have on loved ones. Then I certainly do not think this man is in any way a selfish person, where do you draw the line? Take for example someone with irreparable brain damage that causes them to feel perpetual pain 24/7. Would you call them selfish? Then what of the persons relatives who only ever hear screams of pain when they visit? Pain perception is unique to an individual. You can’t know that pain you can only attempt to empathize with it.
      Then you even state, “…or mentally ill”, which could be said to be a given for anyone committing suicide, then haw can you consider it a possibility and still bag the guy out for what he did? How mentally ill are/or have you ever been? You don’t even have a diagnosis of the “possible” mental illness so how can you possibly empathize enough to be making such harsh judgments?
      As for the posting of the letter, YOU have got to be kidding me. I for one only just heard about his death today and couldn’t believe it. I wanted to see this letter for myself. If they showed the other one he wrote, yes, of course i would agree in regards to it’s personal nature. However, as for the one posted, regardless of it being to a specific person, from what I do know of this man, I do not for a second believe he would have objected in fact wouldn’t be surprised if he assumed already. Read the letter. “For the children”, I believe, is not in the sense that most people understand, it is in the true sense of “future generations of humans” for eg. Then parts of the message it seems are for everyone.
      As well with the nature of his life work, shit dude, I would think he would expect and even hope people would check for themselves because if he was “suicided”, considering the people that likely would have done it, It would probably be pretty hard to prove… Then lets say the 50th person to read it does a writing comparison and finds that all the “i”‘s are dotted wrong??!! EVEN NOW it is a percentage chance high enough to consider that he didn’t write it, which if true, would make you rude and insensitive, AS WELL as ignorant, narrow minded and assuming.
      Please if you reply to this, (or should I say “PUH-LEASE”), try to be constructive, compassionate and refrain from insult. Because to me it sounds like guilt or persecution. What have you done to compare to the man himself or even those who believe they are, by this post, doing something for the man from a seemingly sincere desire to help. ie- do a cost analysis and prove to me that posting the letter does more harm than good if any. Because I can’t see it. Sure if there was something in it like “I think you should tell your family about your sexual orientation because…”, then sure, I would say whoever put it up was being insensitive. If no risk of it being faked, ideally the one to post would be the person it was addressed to. Even then, what if the letter implicated someone involved in a serious crime? From a legal standpoint, with the amount of people that cried for proof, in this case, as well I’m sure the general distrust of said people toward the “establishment”,.. those people would rally for truth if they didn’t get it, next is public outcry followed by a court order to release “proof” to the public.
      Way I see it, however misguided, the “cry for proof” here is coming from a bunch of like-minded people who are WATCHING A BROTHER”S BACK. And I think that gesture would even bring a tear to Rupper’s eye.

      Assumption the mother of misunderstanding. I’m torn to hear he died and I am thankful for the respectfully disclosed information here. I’m sure a lot of truthseeker’s minds were put to ease.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. ruffadam
    April 16, 2014

    Thank you for reporting this Cheri the MSM is no longer relevant nor do many people care what they say or don’t say anymore. The real media is people like you! Rest in peace Michael Ruppert I am sorry to see you go and I wish that you did not give in to fatal pessimism. I certainly understand being pessimistic in this world but there are great and wonderful things happening out there too. We all have to take a break from time to time and embrace the good things in life.


    • Cheri
      April 16, 2014

      Thank you Adam, and you do have email.


      • ruffadam
        April 17, 2014

        I didn’t get it Cheri is there any way you could send it again from your sent folder? My computers had a networking conflict today and to make a long story short my e-mails didn’t get to me properly.


      • Cheri
        April 17, 2014

        re-sent 🙂


  5. FederalReserve Brown
    April 16, 2014

    suicide is not a selfish thing,, some people will say anything,,, you think 22 vets not including texass & califoronia kill themselves each day because they are “selfish”?… this man has more to come even in his absence suspicous or not. We were made awake by who he was before his real Americanship was shown. suicide sucks,, esp if pushed to it…. like many of us daily jerk. ( kaylyazuoffski.)


    • Cheri
      April 16, 2014



    • Bernie Wolfe
      April 17, 2014

      Uh, yeah, it is selfish and I myself am not going to romanticise it. Its my freedom to my opinion without sounding intentionally demeaning. He made his choice though. His right to do what he felt he had to do for whatever reason. Sad he decided to it.


      • FederalReserve Brown
        April 18, 2014

        are you for real??.. I am a vet who deals with suicide daily,,, it is a horrible sense of despair & loss,,, you call it “selfish” because you clearly do not understand serious depression… your veterans have shit int thier heads that would make any decent person blow thier brains out just to stop the wrongly maimed & killed children to shut the fuck up….. it is relief of the permanent kind.


      • Cheri
        April 18, 2014

        As someone who suffers from Bipolar-1 and suicidal ideation, I will only add/interject that I do not romanticize, encourage nor endorse suicide, but Bernie obviously has no idea the difference between “just being down” or “having a bad day” and what deep depressions and/or suicidal ideation really entails. I hope Bernie, that you learn more before you inadvertently become someones tipping point.


    • Metta Morphose
      April 18, 2014

      When you’re the observer, the friend, the family is a selfish act. When you’re IN IT see it as the only option/solution and it doesn’t seem selfish but logical. I’m just speaking out of my own experience


  6. Pingback: A sad loss | orwelliania

  7. k a r a h ~
    April 16, 2014

    Reblogged this on k a r a h ~ l i n and commented:
    This makes me so sad ~
    RIP Michael C. Ruppert


  8. Gerry Hiles
    April 16, 2014

    Very sad, but very understandable.


  9. Charlton Wilson Cht Ccht
    April 16, 2014

    i am so tired of the theistic notions (most specifically – xtianity) and it’s dictates of the wrongness of our lives. it impedes and wends it’s way through our lives in ways that most of us don’t even realize.

    what do i mean?

    let me back track a moment. Cheri: as a personal friend of Mike’s i can not imagine the difficult obligation you had to give us this final message. Mike was not crazy. most that know little or nothing of him will not get it. they will not get this note and this act. and yes, all of us are still reeling in shock at the loss of our friend.

    but we know what it means. and we know what we must do to carry on. he says over and over in personal notes and this “…for the children…” that is a profound statement, a profound giveaway.

    i ask you, on your behalf, Cheri, to not defend against people like the above, kaylyazukofsky, who can not understand. that does not mean that i sanction suicide. that does not mean that i will commit suicide. Mike clearly felt that such a profound statement was necessary. i only hope that this world wide community of supposedly awake people will heed this call.

    i thank you for taking this profound obligation to report his note to us. it only, one more time, makes it all make more sense to me and proves his love of us all, our Grandmother (Unci Maka – grand mother earth) and the children – the next 7 generations – again.

    Cheri, simply, thank you.


    • Charlton Wilson Cht Ccht
      April 16, 2014

      its not it’s. oops.


    • Cheri
      April 16, 2014

      No, thank you. Your comment made me cry. I have been on the phone with jack. Michael’s friend who found him. I am working on part three. Everything you say here about “for the children”..yes! Thank you for getting it. Mike was NOT crazy and he wasn’t saying leave it to the next generation either. so sad.


  10. Skyhigh Knoxathon
    April 16, 2014

    Prayers and love to a beautiful soul and to the family and friends.


  11. Peter A Tscherneff
    April 16, 2014

    Undisputable……1) elements in the CIA possess the means to “suicide” anyone….2) they possess the necessary “psyops” to sway public opinion….3) handwriting “forgering” is a talent far easier than forging a masterpiece oil;…..4) Michael pulled the rug out from some major “expletives” within and without the Company….as we all know going back to ’96……5) although the “note” provides some explanation it moreso appears to contradict the “Spiritual Essence” the man expressed…”a final offering of flesh for the children”… over the top….don’t buy it at all…………………///so I remind you all his statement in the “Santa Rosa Occupy: Civil Disobediance”………..regarding the $$$banking/usury system…It MUST be stopped IF WE POSSESS THE CAJONES………………..which obviously the slave status citizens (all of you) DO NOT POSSESS……Michael did some heavy work RIP


    • Cheri
      April 16, 2014

      I have been on the phone most of the day and eve with the man who found Mike…I have more coming out tomorrow, much more. Please be patient.


    • Charlton Wilson Cht Ccht
      April 16, 2014

      there is a video out there with Mike and a kid in an LA audience. i’ll try to find the link and post. the kid is talking about camps and fema and all sorts of bullshit alex jones crap.

      and Mike simply says: YOU ARE LOOKING IN THE WRONG DIRECTION. in fact, Mike laughs.

      let go of all the conspiracy theory. if this was even 10 years ago… i’d agree with most of your speculation. and, look, i’m not gonna lie, for a moment, i thought: “foul play”

      but I KNOW MIKE. i KNOW what he’d been doing the last year + with “his medicine man”. we were at ceremony together last summer. you don’t have to believe me, fine. but this message is EXACTLY in line with his spiritual path. and psyops would NEVER have gotten that right. not a chance.

      and, if you INSIST on going down this conspiracy theory rabbit hole – 2 things will happen. 1. you insult his memory. 2. you waste the AMAZING resource of YOU to pick up the torch that he personally left each and everyone of us to do the work he has for 40 years. i want to guess that that is not how you want to honor him if you had the tiniest inkling of who this man, this warrior scout is/was.

      PLEASE…. “….for the children…”


      • Cheri
        April 16, 2014

        Sheesh, I thought you were talking to me at first…


    • Charlton G Wilson
      March 26, 2016

      Peter: take your disrespectful pandering of “conspiracy pornography” somewhere else. alice jones would like more fans.

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Philippe Landry
    April 16, 2014

    After cases such as Philip Marshall, it’s normal that people want to know. It’s so easy to kill someone and make it look like a suicide ! I’m willing to put some time to be sure it’s not a fake suicide like the janitor of WTC …


    • Cheri
      April 16, 2014

      I agree and I am putting the time in…every minute for days now…I have spent most of the day on the phone with his close friend, the man who found him. I have a LOT of new info and even some completely exclusive info. Working on the next piece now, should be up tomorrow.


    • Ross Aimer
      April 19, 2014

      Philip Marshall’s murder/suicide was very suspicious. I knew of him. He was a tough man. So was Mike. I am not sure either of them committed suicide. Both of these men had a lot to say and they may have scarred a few people! These “people” are very nasty. For them it is easy to fake a suicide. After all, they made half of us believe the story of 9/11!
      BTW Cheri, sorry for your loss.


      • Cheri
        April 19, 2014

        Thank you, Ross, there is something that Mike did at the end that only Mike would/could do, but I can’t get there without telling all of the other stuff first, or it won’t make sense. everything I am laying out here matters to the end point.


  13. Marv Sannes
    April 16, 2014

    Thank you for sharing the note. Knowing his thoughts is helpful. So much work for so many years and being always aware of the carnage of children – what a place we have become – thanks, Mike, a great American Patriot.


    • Cheri
      April 16, 2014

      Marv, thank you for reading and taking the time to comment. Check back tomorrow as there is more to share. A lot more and you will probably be interested to read it.


  14. Wiz Cee
    April 17, 2014

    R.I.P MR


  15. Steven Hatton
    April 17, 2014

    Mike Ruppert’s video The Truth and Lies of 9/11 is a greater positive contribution to humanity than most of us will make in our entire lifetime.

    It is neither paranoid nor disrespectful to be suspicious of the facts when a man who willfully spit in the face of the likes of the CIA crime bosses. Whether or not MCR killed himself, his death was tragic, and his life was heroic.

    Suicide rates increases on white men between ages 35-64


    • Cheri
      April 17, 2014

      Having suspicions is normal, especially regarding something like this with someone like Mike, but I am asking everyone to trust the work I am doing, at least for now. As I have said, I am in constant communication with his attorney as well as his friend Jack who found him. I have finite details I have not yet shared. They will be coming in the next two pieces.


  16. Pingback: A Time of Seamless Black | Collapse of Industrial Civilization

  17. skyfoxcd1
    April 17, 2014

    What does ”Im doing this for the children” means? Really?


    • Cheri
      April 17, 2014

      I briefly answered that in a comment however I am working on the next in this series which will better explain that. It is a common thing Mike said. There is MUCH in that note that I will be breaking down and more. As much as I hate to say it (and now know it), I will be sharing minute details of Mike’s Last days and hours here shortly…


      • Paul Barbara
        April 19, 2014

        As a UK 9/11 Truth campaigner, I have read Mike’s ‘Crossing the Rubicon’. I was sorry he stopped concentrating on 9/11; I also remember when he was so targeted that he fled to Venezuela, only to come down with a very bad and strange illness, forcing him to return (I forget if he first went to Canada).
        He definitely had issues with ‘conspiracy theorists’ on 9/11; here I disagree with him. Sure, there were and are crazy ideas out there, but he knew as well as anyone that conspiracies have been around since Adam and Eve (figuratively speaking!).
        The criminal ‘Shadow Government’ of the US runs on conspiracies; the whole shebang is a massive conspiracy, including the Federal Reserve, Bank of International Settlements, UN, WHO, World Bank, NATO, Vatican, Skull & Bones, the works.
        I and everyone I know in the UK 9/11 Truth campaign are deeply saddened by Mike’s death; he was a trailblazer cutting through the blatant lies and inconsistencies of the 9/11 ‘Official Narrative’, and was instrumental in getting the Truth ball rolling (along with Jimmy Walters, Barry Zwicker and others) : that is why there is scant mention in the MSM.
        I read in a comment above that Mike is supposed to have laughed when a ‘kid’ spoke of FEMA camps; that is odd, because FEMA camps are all too real.
        RIP, Mike, you did a great job, from exposing CIA drug trafficking to the 9/11 lie. I am sorry you were driven to this end (if indeed you did commit suicide, as seems probable from your friends’ testimony – I also tried seriously to commit suicide many years ago, so I do know how these things can get on top of you). We mourn an honest and brave man, RIP Mike.


      • Cheri
        April 19, 2014

        Paul, suicidal ideation is something I personally deal with on a daily basis. Keep the faith and when you find yourself “there”, breath and take 5-minutes at a time. If you try to think beyond 5-mins it gets too hard….as for “if” Mike really did commit suicide…I, as you and everyone else, wish this were not true, but it really really really is true. I do not know if you caught the podcast last night but you can hear the archive here: … In the course of the next few days I will be laying out more information in at least two more pieces. Today i will be posting about Rags the dog as I am receiving so many messages asking. I have a new pic of him and Jack together from yesterday….after that (unless anything more is revealed or uncovered) I will be focusing on the wrap up of everything and be telling you exactly what was happening in those last hours and minutes of Mike’s life. I will be telling you exactly how he did it and the aftermath, the authorities, the autopsy, the upcoming cremation and more. I have all of this info. I have had to tell everyone everything in stages so that they can see the process because it is important to the final result of what/how Mike did this. Yes he shot himself in the head with his gun he had bought years ago (even though he’d said he had gotten rid of them). So…I promise, that although none of us like that he did this for our OWN selfish reasons, faiths and the huge loss this is to us, and although there will be a small handful of “conspiracy pronagraphers” that will never be satisfied, I assure you, when I am done…most will “get it” whether they like it or not and most will come to the sad realization that,”yes” it is true. Also…IMHO…not that I endorse or encourage suicide in any way…what Mike did for himself is a hell of a lot better than what some are assuming the “government” did to him.


  18. Pingback: Deep Green Philly » Civilization’s Mental Health Crisis

  19. Pingback: who would hurt all mankind | OccurrencesDomesticForeign

  20. Pingback: Abby Martin’s Personal Tribute to Investigative Journalist Michael C. Ruppert | Dandelion Salad

  21. Dora Zoerb (@Irmtraut)
    April 17, 2014

    It would be interesting to hear whether he was in bad health or depressed in the days before.


    • Cheri
      April 17, 2014

      I can tell you he was not in any bad health in the sense you are wondering. There was no hidden disease we didn’t know about or anything like that. The autopsy is complete and of course toxicology won’t be back for weeks or months. As for mental health, Mike had serious issues with suicidal ideation. Not that it’s anything to honk my horn about, but I too suffer. I have written here about it many times and i will be addressing that more thoroughly WRT Mike soon. I can say Mike’s biggest torment in a sense was us…meaning he thought he had taught us all we needed to know, yet we were not doing what he said needed to be done. We were waiting like we had time…Now clearly I am NOT saying it was OUR fault in any way, just responding to you more fully….to Mike the end was literally now, tomorrow and even yesterday.


  22. Thomas Burgett
    April 17, 2014

    Thanks for sharing, for what it’s worth the note seems a balm. I’m a little slow but heard of this man who was an LA cop telling on the CIA for selling dope through the crips a long time ago. (all 2nd hand info. from the pre-internet days.) Street talk became conspiracies theories that became facts of everyday life.
    In the big picture Mike seems to be a hero and pioneer. Just a fantastic job of pissing off the retarded monkeys in the spinning black vortex of doom!

    ~Have an evolutionary day.


    • Cheri
      April 18, 2014

      at 7am pst an update goes up with MORE notes…


  23. Pingback: Michael C Ruppert staged suicide? | Reasoning Conspiracy

  24. Pingback: April 2014 | Farganne's Newsfeed

  25. Pingback: Michael C. Ruppert Left Four Notes and a Poem | Cheri Speak

  26. Kathleen Thomas
    April 18, 2014

    A very sad day. Sorrowful that his own loving heart was not able to soar over the pain that others flung out to the universe. Condolences.


  27. Steve Petitpas
    April 18, 2014

    I just found out about this yesterday. My condolences to the family and friends he left behind. It’s a great loss. Michael was a courageous truth teller in a time when we desperately need more of them. It is sad to hear that he succumbed to depression. I saw Collapse a few months back and from watching this film you can see him struggling with the weight of his knowledge and the depression that finally overtook him. Compassion is what’s needed now, not conspiracy or condemnation. It’s amazing the man lasted this long with the dirt he dug up of the evil machine of empire and the personal demons that he had to share his research.with anyone who cared enough to listen. RIP Michael. It’s time for the rest of us to pick up the fallen sword and continue the battle.


    • Cheri
      April 18, 2014

      I believe Mike thought he was doing something to wake us up MORE. He made himself the literal “sacrifice” … HIS flesh for US the children.


    • Cheri
      April 18, 2014

      I should add, that I say that based on all of my work on this and the rest of what I have not yet released. More soon, I promise. Thank you not only reading, but for commenting. Sadly, Mike had no family save a female cousin he stayed in touch with.


      • endatymes
        February 14, 2016

        Cheri, this is the first moment I have found out that Michael died. I am so sad that he felt it necessary to leave us so very soon. There was and is still much work to do. We just happened to be seeing the re-broadcast of the tv show Prophets of Doom. All correctly looked at the effects of our current world system, but I think only Michael had his pulse on the essence and that was Spiritual. All these things are because the people have excluded and abandoned our creator God. These things are indeed running their course as was anticipated, but the HOPE we have and assurance is that there will be a better world and kingdom, made not from Mankind, but from a loving creator God who will clean up the mess we’ve made and established things as they should have been. This is all a protracted journey and test through trial and tribulation. In the end Love will prevail and all that is inherent with the purity and perfection of that love. Michael appeared to carry a great burden and a love so great for others that he needed….was compelled to warn of impending doom in the current path. If I suspect certain spiritual characteristics of the man, you will see him again. Sometimes people take their lives for different reasons and it’s horrendous pain for those of us who remain. I know from personal experience. But I do not ever judge those who have chosen that, I just feel sad that they felt they could not overcome or find the strength to continue with us. May God give you strength, comfort and resolution to share his passions with the rest of the world.


      • Jacob Sabat
        February 15, 2016

        Suicide is always a cop-out. One less person on the front lines.


  28. Virginia Friend
    April 18, 2014

    Thank you Cheri for elucidating, for me, the mystery of Mike Ruppert’s death. Those of us who have been in despair at some time in our life, know only a little of the suffering of this man. We are all human, with a motley mixture of personality traits, ego and id, good and, maybe sometimes, not so good.
    Mike Ruppert is one of the brave “truthers” I’ve been tuning into for the past two years.
    It’s very sad now to watch and listen to one of his last videos where we can witness the obvious torment he was going through. I observe that his greatest wish was for the majority of U.S. citizens to “wake up” and heed the call.
    I don’t mean to sound smug. Here in Canada, we are also slow to see “truth”.
    It is nice to know, that before his death, he was among true friends who understood something of who he was.
    However, it’s terrible imagining his last tormented thoughts.
    Fortunately, he left “works” that will be among the tools for the “movement” to a better future for your country. And mine.
    My heartfelt sympathy for all who were closest to him.


    • Cheri
      April 18, 2014

      Thank you much for such a thoughtful comment Virginia. My regular readers know I have bipolar and myself suffer severely from suicidal ideation. It’s horrible. I never meant to write THIS story as it is now. I merely was writing a goodbye piece to someone I considered a mentor of sorts although Mike barley knew me. But because of the many many commonalities between Mike and I apparently it is me that needs to be writing these stories because in a sense, I can see what the average person cannot in this situation and help make it all make sense. I will tell you as I have others…it is 100% my belief Mike was not “tormented” in those last minutes. When I finish my pieces, I think everyone will totally get it — whether we like it or not, whether we agree or not, but all this other stuff has to come first.


      • Virginia Friend
        April 18, 2014

        Thank you Cheri for your kind and thoughtful reply.
        If it’s, at all, any comfort to you, please know that I wish you the very best in your personal struggles. As Socretes said, “An unexamined life is not worth living.”
        I await your further thoughts about Mike with patience, and I hope, a little more understanding.
        I now endeavor to push on for further (understanding).
        I rarely watch mainstream news, (I don’t subscribe to cable t.v.) but was heartened tonight when I happened to see a CBC “special” on the unpatriotic and unlawful surveillance (by gov. departments) of both U.S. and Canadian citizens. That this is now mainstream news is a hopeful sign? It appears Edward Snowden is finally being vindicated publicly, one slow step at a time.
        I can only assume that the now hugely widespread comments by “the people” on the social media (as well as public town meetings) are giving some hope and courage to a wider range of investigative reporters. It’s a very slow process, indeed.
        How terrible it is that many of the brave ones are lost along the way – for one tragic reason or another.
        It’s a bitter irony that, over and over again, we must fight to maintain our rights and freedoms. We were, for a long time apathetic, trusting that our government representatives had our best interests at heart. Oh, the folly! If left without checks and balances, it’s being demonstrated that political aggression, greed, and criminality percolate to the top.
        Take good care,


    • Cheri
      April 18, 2014

      BTW please, everyone know, that Mike’s friends are reading these. They are seeing your well wishes and condolences. One of the biggest things that CAN help, is staying true to the truth as Mike would want it to be done and would do it himself, so as much sharing of these posts (here or on social media or both) of info are VERY appreciated. The wider audience we get real facts and details and evidence in front of the less the BS Mike’s friends need to deal with…also…the better for Mike and his reputation…


  29. Treyce Montoya's Blog
    April 18, 2014

    Reblogged this on Handwriting Analysis with Treyce Montoya and commented:
    As a 27+ year forensic expert who specializes in suicide this is extremely interesting! Thanks – I have to reblog it 🙂


    • Cheri
      April 19, 2014

      hey i was wondering how to find you and you were right here all along LOL. I am trying to catch up with some of the comments here. thank you for reblogging. Would love to talk. Please contact me via email at ? Thanks!


  30. Jim Yost
    April 19, 2014

    Reading this reminds me of this quote by Ezra Pound: “I have always thought that the suicide should bump off at least one swine before taking off for parts unknown.” I have an idea Mike knew this quote, plus I have an idea he had access to plenty of swine and had the balls to take one out. There have been lots of ‘suicide notes’ that were written because of threat to family members, torture, being held at gunpoint, etc. In view of all this I for one don’t believe Mike killed himself.


    • Cheri
      April 19, 2014

      That is merely because you have not seen everything. I HAVE. I am working hand in hand with Mike’s best friends (including the one who found him where Mike lived on his property) and his friend and attorney. I know what’s in the autopsy report, the police report, what was at the scene etc etc etc, i wish I didn’t, but it is true and as sad as it is if you respected this man and/or his work, denying real evidence and what we are trying to share with you (we certainly don’t have to) you are not honoring all that Mike was. Mike did some very specific things so that it would not be a conspiracy circus and when I am done with all I have to impart on this there really isn’t anyone that can debunk the fact Mike killed himself. Mike would be so disgusted that everything he did in advance is falling on deaf ears like that.


  31. Virginia Friend
    April 19, 2014

    You can’t convince a believer of anything; for their belief is not based on evidence, it is based on a deep-seated need to believe. ~ Carl Sagan


  32. John W. Hibbard
    April 19, 2014

    i knew nothing of mr. ruppert until after his death. now i am a great admirer not because of his death but because of his willingness to confront everything he found wrong in this life. i only wish i could have been as brave. perhaps someday i will be. in a way i envy mr. ruppert free from this mortal coil. free from the deception. free from the archons. free from those who do not care. i can only hope that what he has found in the afterlife has assured him of his righteousness in this life. i hope he can manifest some of what he wanted for US THE CHILDREN from the other side. i will stand by and check in here in hopes that his dear friend cheri is able to bring us more insights into what michael ruppert was. and will yet be…


    • Cheri
      April 19, 2014

      I will be posting Mike’s fourth note that he left at the scene here within about an hour…it is a story about his beloved dog Rags and involves mike’s suicide.

      Thank you for reading here, please continue and also get a hold of Mike’s work and start reading and sharing it copiously.


  33. bentout
    April 19, 2014

    Michael Ruppert ‘is’ alive when you research what he has exposed see Crossing the Rubicon; CIA sanctioned drug running in US cities, NORAD, Vigilante Guardian, Cheney’s role in 911 and so much more. I’m very proud to have met him. Retired Judge Dale 5 volume, The Great American Adventure is a good read on the toxic psychos behind most if the world’s tragedies…


  34. Pingback: Michael C. Ruppert’s Death and “Rags” the Dog | Cheri Speak

  35. Ted Howard
    April 19, 2014

    I’m on the other side of the planet, sorry I’m not closer to come help and give you a hug.

    I’ve been in Mike’s circles since late 90’s, via energy e-groups, FTW, Collapsenet, Lifeboathour, facebook.

    Please know we’re out here, all over the planet, giving what support to you we can. Kia Kaha, arohanui…


    • Cheri
      April 19, 2014

      Ted, thank you SO much! You made me cry LOL. I could REALLY use a hug right now. I just posted the fourth note Mike left behind along with the details surrounding it…next…the hard one…the “details”… 😦


  36. namaste13
    April 19, 2014

    Maybe they threatened his family/friends and made he write the note or maybe they have advanced technology that can write a note in anyone’s handwriting. These people can fake almost anything. i am not saying that it wasn’t a suicide. Just pointing out this note and the fact that he spoke about exiting this planet is not conclusive. i for one speak about exiting all the time. Of course, i would never ever do it.


    • Cheri
      April 19, 2014

      I have said repeatedly,I have seen everything…Mike killed himself. I wish it were not true, but it is 😦


      • namaste13
        April 19, 2014

        It just doesn’t add up.


      • Cheri
        April 19, 2014

        maybe because you don’t have all of the story yet. I can tell you there IS a single piece of evidence you will learn about at the very end…that will make it abundantly clear. You have to understand, Mike didn’t “just” kill himself…he did it in a very special way that mattered very much to him and his faith, a faith mind you (no offense to anyone that follows the faith) that sadly only reinforced the suicidal ideation he had suffered from for almost a documented decade.


  37. Pingback: Join Me on Wise Woman Media to Discuss Michael C. Ruppert’s Life and Legacy LIVE Tonight | Cheri Speak

  38. Abby Fleming
    April 19, 2014

    I am always saddened whenever we lose a Truth teller. Given that, I just cannot understand how suiciding oneself is going to be more helpful than living in allegiance to the Truth. Indeed, it would only seem to add to the pain and despair that people are already feeling.


    • Cheri
      April 19, 2014

      Sometimes people do tings based on something they believe, whether anyone else believes or understands or appreciates doesn’t change the fact THEY believed.


  39. Cheri
    April 20, 2014

    for anyone who has doubted me


  40. Patricia Semilla
    April 20, 2014

    Cherie, when I clicked on that link it took me to a picture of a car…


  41. Michael Pengue
    April 20, 2014

    Thanks Michael for teaching me about 9/11 in 2003. You were the key that sparked my interest into learning more about what was being hidden from the larger public.Through your work I became a voracious enthusiast of geopolitics and learned about other wonderful researchers whom I could trust from Peter Dale Scott to Michel Chossudovsky, and more. I cried when we lost Pres. Hugo Chavez last year and then a few weeks later the passing of the brave man who attempted a citizens arrest of George Bush. John Boncore (also known as Splitting The Sky) was a Mohawk activist,an Attica prison survivor and leader, a Gustafson,BC,Canada stand-off leader against our Canadian govt.,a 9/11 researcher and activist,and a sundance leader. I had the opportunity in seeing him speak alongside Cynthia McKinney in Lethbridge , Univ several yrs back. What a performance.Would have loved to see you meet this powerful and captivating orator named leader STS. I really think that it would have been very fruitful for you both, as I witnessed with Cynthia and STS. Your passing has hit me in many ways as the passing of these other two heros of mine. Your spirit will inspire me and countless others and I know that many of us will meet again in the next life.
    Rest in peace my brother, Michael Pengue, Montreal , Canada


    • Cheri
      April 20, 2014

      very nice, thank you for sharing.


    • Jacob Solace
      April 21, 2014

      Michael was not a quitter. Suicide is for quitters. Just doesn’t add up.


      • Cheri
        April 21, 2014

        Michael “quit” many times. When he left CA to move to CO nearly 2-years ago, he went there with the documented intention of killing himself, but like with the other times, he got “distracted” from his suicidal ideation (it’s a true legitimate obsession Jacob) when he met and fell in love with Jessy Re..but, the monster that SI is, is always there. There IS still more to the story. I am working on a timeline of Mike’s last day.I am still waiting to hear back from a couple of people, but it IS being written. And, as I have said, there is something else that Mike did immediately before taking his life that is the final piece of evidence to support that no one else did this to him. Everyone needs to be thankful I am doing this and be supportive. NO ONE is doing this. NO ONE is giving you the info because no one did more than do tributes are trash stories. Those that have the authority to do so have chosen to filter all of this through me. There are unique parallels between Mike and I that enable me to truly tell this story like no one else. And honestly, please spend some time researching suicidal ideation. It is KEY in all of this. You MUST understand it in order to understand the rest (including what i have yet to share). In understanding that, if you went back and then watched the many videos of Mike out there, especially those from the last few years, you would view them somewhat differently. And also, please know, this is VERY difficult for me too…


      • Jacob Solace
        April 21, 2014

        Why now? Did something happen after the podcast that triggered it?


      • Cheri
        April 21, 2014

        No, in fact Mike began saying his “goodbyes” as early as Saturday. I am waiting further details for the timeline of Mike’s last day that I am working on. Mike was VERY busy all day Sunday making his preparations and reaching out touching people. There is a meeting tomorrow and I should have the rest of my questions answered by Wednesday.


  42. Pingback: Michael C. Ruppert Said “YOU Don’t Read” | Cheri Speak

  43. Marilyn Taylor
    April 21, 2014

    I would like to share the following in hopes that it provides a bit of solace to someone’s aching heart.

    Ram Dass (Richard Alpert) is a former Harvard professor who has sought out and imbibed teachings from many ancient wisdom traditions. As a spiritual teacher and social activist, he has been sharing this practical wisdom for the last fifty years.

    He wrote this tender letter to the parents of an eleven year-old daughter who was raped and murdered. Although obviously Mike’s situation was different, perhaps it can provide another perspective on the profound sadness, anguish and rage so many of us are feeling.

    Dear Steve and Anita,

    Rachel finished her work on earth, and left the stage in a manner that leaves those of us left behind with a cry of agony in our hearts, as the fragile thread of our faith is dealt with so violently. Is anyone strong enough to stay conscious through such teaching as you are receiving? Probably very few. And even they would only have a whisper of equanimity and peace amidst the screaming trumpets of their rage, grief, horror and desolation.

    I can’t assuage your pain with any words, nor should I. For your pain is Rachel’s legacy to you. Not that she or I would inflict such pain by choice, but there it is. And it must burn its purifying way to completion. For something in you dies when you bear the unbearable, and it is only in that dark night of the soul that you are prepared to see as God sees, and to love as God loves.

    Now is the time to let your grief find expression. No false strength. Now is the time to sit quietly and speak to Rachel, and thank her for being with you these few years, and encourage her to go on with whatever her work is, knowing that you will grow in compassion and wisdom from this experience.

    In my heart, I know that you and she will meet again and again, and recognize the many ways in which you have known each other. And when you meet you will know, in a flash, what now it is not given to you to know: Why this had to be the way it was.

    Our rational minds can never understand what has happened, but our hearts– if we can keep them open to God – will find their own intuitive way. Rachel came through you to do her work on earth, which includes her manner of death. Now her soul is free, and the love that you can share with her is invulnerable to the winds of changing time and space. In that deep love, include me too.

    In love,
    Ram Dass


  44. Mark Fotakis
    April 22, 2014

    I think mike would be proud of what you have done here. Something like this just shows the amount of love and respect many had for this dude…thanks for doing this.


  45. Mark Clark
    April 24, 2014

    how ironic that despite Mike’s insistence in approaching every case in the most professional manner using standard procedures of evidence, we are given information about his unexpected death without any forensic evidence, and expected to believe the version of suicide when his body has barely grown cold. Its unbelievable. I do not wish to offend anyone, but I am sorry, please do not try to take the role of forensic scientists to establish cause of death. That is not proper procedure and Mike would have none of it. Why is the handwriting in capital letters? That arouses immediate suspicion. Where is the hand writing experts’ assessment? Where is the forensic confirmation on whether he could have pulled the trigger? Why did he end his last radio show by saying “see you next week? Where is the assessment of an expert to assess the emotional state through the contents of the note? You people have learnt nothing from 30 years of Mike’s talks. It may indeed have been suicide, but no one should draw that conclusion until it is established forensically beyond any reasonable doubt. Jesus! I think we owe Mike at least that much.


    • Cheri
      April 24, 2014

      Mike’s close friends and attorney are working quietly getting the information. The official report takes up to 8 weeks as per the coroner’s office. There is nothing for you to see until it is available, but I assure you, Mike made sure people wouldn’t think what you are thinking and he did so quite personally.

      You seem to think you know more than the people who he saw every day or talked to every day, the people who loved him dearly, many of which are AWAKE and brilliant minds. If you think that there would be ANY indication of foul play here that these people wouldn’t be all over it, well then that in and of itself is just ridiculous. get a hold of yourself.

      Maybe you need to go back, way back and re-read Mike and re-watch Mike, and not just cherry-pick what you think might help ya out and instead actually pay attention. You are doing the very thing he despised.


    • Jacob Solace
      April 24, 2014

      That’s what i have been saying.


      • Cheri
        April 24, 2014

        Well if you would have seen what Mike did and how he did it you would know what I have been saying is true…Mike laid out and secured his own “crime scene”. Speculate all you want but until YOU are doing something beyond speculate and are actually talking with officials and looking at things and talking with his close friends and seeing everything…you really do NOT know what you are talking about. I on the other hand, have done the work and continue to do that work. Mike was so sick of keyboard cowboys who did what you guys are doing because you certainly are NOT doing the work. DO THE WORK, then let’s talk 😉


      • Jacob Solace
        April 24, 2014

        Here is my proposal–
        We start from where we live.
        We take charge of our city or town and we show the world what is possible.

        For instance, here in NYC, about 72% of eligible voters don’t vote in the NYC Mayoral election. And at least 2/3 of of them are progressive.

        5 million New Yorkers are eligible to vote.
        Only 1 million usually vote (20% of eligible voters).
        The mayorship is usually won with less than 800,000 votes.

        We start by creating a Voting Bloc.
        This means that all we have to do is to inspire just 1 million individuals from the 4 million to vote together for the candidates who are best for the People. This Voting Bloc will enable us to win the Mayorship and the City Council.

        Then we will be able to repeal laws that do not serve the People and enact laws that do.

        Then we will be in a better position to finally implement the gazillion wonderful creative solutions we already have without impediment.

        Then from there we can more easily usher in a Whole New Way of Living rooted in True Love and Wisdom.

        i am turning around and mentoring on average about 10 new uninformed/misinformed people every week.
        It is imperative that each and every one of us, without exception, does the same.

        A Bug’s Life – ”Then they ALL might stand up to us”:


  46. Mark Clark
    April 25, 2014

    As I said I do not mean to offend anyone. But there are procedures and you cannot put the cart before the horse. There may well be evidence of a suicide, but it needs to be followed professionally, and statements made once the coroner’s report is finalised. One cannot jump the gun and say “well, we know what happened, trust us, we know.” I am sorry but no matter how obvious it may appear to some, making declarations at this stage is tantamount to interfering with an investigation. Every lawyer and investigator in the world knows exactly what I am talking about. This is why I said that it is ironic that standard investigative procedure is not being followed. No statements should have been issued prior to the issue of the coroner’s report. The people close to him may have the best intentions in the world, and I will not doubt that, why should I. But as an attorney I can express the opinion that proper procedures have not been followed.


    • Cheri
      April 25, 2014

      I am in communication with the Captain of the Sheriff’s dept handling the case. I have been in contact with the coroner. I have seen the evidence. The case is over from that sort of stand point. There has already been an autopsy. There is NO cart before the horse. If the media had done your job you would have seen the story everywhere, but they didn’t even contact anyone. I know what’s in the final report, but until I have it to show you, you wont believe it and even then, you still wont. the proper procedures were indeed followed and the prelim coroners report was done, the final one (nothing new on it) takes nearly 2-mo to receive…for those who disbelieve, look on the website itself and btw order one of your own. It’s not a secret.


    • Cheri
      April 25, 2014

      The coroner’s report IS finalized. As I have said several times to others who have asked. I cannot give you what the NPC won’t give anyone yet. NOT because it isn’t complete, but because it is their standard protocol. And if you are an attorney, you should have already known that. The prelim report is the same as the final. ANYONE can pay a cheap $10-$30 fee( depending on what you want) and get a copy of the document when it becomes available as both Carolyn Baker and I said in the podcast and as I have repeated here often…again, if you are an attorney you would know that. If you want to investigate, investigate. the floor is wide open. 😉


      • bentout
        April 25, 2014

        I’ve been so ill, but well read you threads.


  47. Pingback: From the Wilderness Forward, What Really Happened to Michael C. Ruppert | Cheri Speak

  48. Pingback: From the Wilderness Forward, What Really Happened to Michael C. Ruppert | Unmutual76

  49. transitionmama
    May 27, 2014

    Reblogged this on Transitionmama and commented:
    He talks in the film “Collapse”:


  50. I just found out that Michael Ruppert died last month. I’m literally in state of disbelief. I haven’t been paying attention to lots of things in the last two months, because I work two jobs and have been writing papers for three conferences I attended, as well as applying for a postdoctoral position. This really hurts my soul to find out that he’s gone. I don’t know what else to say, except this just hurts.


    • Cheri
      June 3, 2014

      I’m sorry you are finding this out for the first time.


  51. lmichael shep
    June 30, 2014

    first let me say sorry for such a lost of a good man that had information that would of actually ruined the government and cia alone. Now after doing an investigating report on the case of mike ruppert and phillip marhsall the obvious case of suicide just does not fit into there lifestyle. For those who don’t know about phillip marshall, he was also a man who had information of truth about the attacks on 9/11 and was working on a new project that would have leaked inside government and cia information through a book that was an “bombshell” of unreported minutes and meetings. phillip also committed “suicide”
    I find it very very interesting that these men would commit “suicide”
    After listening to mike ruppert last radio show which happens to be the same day of his death he didn’t sound like a man ready to take his on life.Mike also was working on a project in Washington and in the interview was announcing how he began the two hour project that a major cabble tv company picked up. I just cant understand why would these two men who had so much to say and was both working on some legit secret projects to expose 9/11 and cia commit suicide?
    I mean theres so much to be question, even the crime scene of both of these men were cleaned up so quickly with an determination of death!
    In my opinion Phillip Marshall and Mike Ruppert were “suicided”


    • Cheri
      June 30, 2014

      You have obviously done zero “investigation” nor did not know the man. Ruppert killed himself. Period.


    • federalreserve Brown
      June 30, 2014

      Vince Foster, Arron Schwartz, Kees Bonn, these epidemics of truth teller suicides should stick out like dogs balls….. been expecting my own suicide for some time,,, must be why I don’t commit it,,, being on the ready & all. :> …. bang bang,,, who is it?


      • Cheri
        June 30, 2014

        Again, you obviously did not know Mike at all 😉


  52. Pingback: Michael C. Ruppert Suicide Note Released – suicide impact

  53. Gary Francis
    April 1, 2015

    So at end of all. When all truth revealed. We take the time to argue about things that matter not. I am sad that Micheal has pasted, but steadfast, not to waste a second of what remains for me. Knowledge is just that knowledge. Wisdom is the verb of applying knowledge, standing, making a difference. If Micheal’s illumination of the truth should stand for anything, let it stand for the change in you and me, making a difference each day with our own lives. I for one, am already helping to build boats, for myself and all those around. Please put down the chatter, the EGO’s and just take in a breath and apply yourselves. The rest is noise.


  54. Drew Andrewnowski
    May 1, 2015

    Another Dead Hero.


  55. kj5368007
    July 17, 2015

    I knew Mike from another program in BH. He was always a great guy! He shared with me many times about the government and contras….I knew freeway rick ross as I was involved with death row records. Now with Mike bugging me and others…indirectly we are making the movie Freeway: Crack In The System. Mike RIP brother aa!


  56. Pingback: Collapse – The Story of Michael Ruppert | WE THE VIGILANT

  57. Mose Stephenson
    November 14, 2015

    “Crossing The Rubicon” was one of the most inspiring and complete undertakings ever done on “the hidden hand” that threatens every living thing on this planet! He was a man among men; and we who “got” what you were saying will miss you very much sir! And may God rest your soul!


  58. Tomaz Gabrovsek
    March 25, 2016

    I don’t believe mike commited suicide nor did Hitler. Let me explain. Hitler was such a man that wouldn’t even in his worst nightmare even when he was defeated allow himself to be seen alive by an enemy in that case red army. The same goes for beloved Mike.


    • Cheri
      March 25, 2016

      Unfortunately, WRT Mike, you are incorrect in your belief. He did in fact, take his own life.


    • Charlton G Wilson
      March 26, 2016

      TOMAZ: did you KNOW Mike personally?

      it’s “nice” that you don’t believe it. but here is the thing, first THE GOD DAMNED NERVE OF YOU to make ANY kind of comparison to him with adopf hitler. 2nd – those of us that actually KNEW him don’t need to make up bullshit to convince you of the facts. so go be a groupie of someone else. and take your disgusting and disgraceful comparisons with you.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Tomaz Gabrovsek
        March 27, 2016

        firstly I made a bad but still a comparison that’s tru but I did it in respectful manner and yet you got annoyed and secondly that makes you fell like you can insult me by any means. And secondly I didn’t know Michael personally I come from another part of the world for chissake. Peace out.


      • Cheri
        March 27, 2016

        Tomaz, your comments…after all this time, were just still more of the same crap I have put up with for years now. Mike Rupert, took his own life. I wish that were not true, but it is.The idea that anyone, again, after all this time, is saying or alluding otherwise, is ridiculous. And a disservice to Mike’s body of work. So, if MY response to you was insulting, that is where it is coming from, a place of exasperation. As for Charlton’s response, he’s a bit of Rupert junkie and a lot of an attention seeker as it turned out as the story was unfolding.


  59. Wannabe Mommie
    June 22, 2016

    I just wanted to say that I saw Collapse last night for the first time. I thought Michael Ruppert was so awesome. Googled him today and sadly saw the stories about his death 😦 I see there are a lot of friends of his that have read this, including Cheri. I just wanted to let people know that he is still touching people’s lives and bringing the truth to them. Rest in peace.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Cheri
      June 22, 2016

      It was a very sad end for his followers, but the end he himself wanted for so long. Thank you for commenting.


  60. Pingback: 9/11 Truth and the Legacy of Michael C Ruppert: Connecting the Dots Like No One Else – Counter Information

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